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White Rose Education Ltd

As well as materials, White Rose Education provide face-to-face training to teachers and schools (over 30,000 teachers were trained by us, last year alone).

The team is made up of 60+ highly skilled mathematics and science teachers, many of whom also teach for a part of the week.

We aim to transform education through innovative approaches leveraging technology and collaboration to ensure that every individual, regardless of background or location, has access to world-class educational opportunities.

White Rose Education delivers high quality, evidence-based resources, CPD, workbooks, tools, advice and guidance for teachers who want to make science and maths teaching the most impactful it can be.

All White Rose Education materials and training are created by our own specialist team of maths and science teachers; created by teachers, for teachers.

White Rose Science has now launched and complements our maths schemes perfectly. It looks and feels like our maths programme. It comes with everything you’d expect from a White Rose scheme: small steps, materials providing support and guidance for teachers, to help develop their subject knowledge.

The majority of the WRE materials are provided free to schools, up and down the country, to use. We have grown significantly last few years and we are proud to have played a part in improving maths outcomes across the country.

White Rose Education (WRE) is a company that sits inside Trinity Multi Academy Trust, based in Halifax. WRE’s schemes of learning and teaching materials are currently used by approximately 80% of primary schools in England and 40% (and growing) of secondary schools, as well as increasing numbers of international schools.

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