The Student Voice

The Student Voice is a platform for schools where kids can report where and when harm happens to them or their friends, via any device.
Young people can navigate a series of interactive maps of all the contexts that they spend time in (school, home, and the local community), and RAG rate how safe they feel in these spaces using a universal traffic light system. Schools can respond to individual incidents and be proactive in tackling a culture of bullying and harm in their school.
Our multi-award winning ed-tech company has grown to serve 50,000 students across 70+ UK schools. Schools using The Student Voice are producing better outcomes for their children, including intercepting bullying, drug dealing hotspots, child-on-child abuse, domestic violence, harmful sexual behaviour, online harassment, and serious mental health worries such as self-harming. We are now onboarding pilots with local authorities and a police force who want to benefit from the powerful community hotspot data, informing their intelligence to make schools and communities safer.
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