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MathsWatch Ltd

MathsWatch is a complete solution that supports teachers' delivery of the Maths curriculum while reducing their workload.

We provide teachers and their students with high-quality videos covering every Maths topic, combined with banks of interactive questions that can be used for classwork/homework/assessment/independent learning. Our innovative marking algorithms have revolutionised the way teachers can deliver quality Maths lessons to their students as we are the only platform worldwide able to give marks for working out and not merely for final answers. This revolutionary feature makes the MathsWatch experience much more realistic and beneficial to students than most traditional quiz setting platforms.

Furthermore, our popular modelled exam series offer the best possible preparation to students before their final GCSE exams. They can see their grade progression as they advance and clearly identify their strengths and areas of development. A truly immersive experience.

All this is offered to schools by MathsWatch at one of the most competitive price points currently on the market.


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