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Maths Circle Ltd

Maths Circle creates award-winning maths programmes that directly tackle the issue of children failing to acquire basic numeracy and arithmetic skills needed to progress further in maths.

Times Tables Rock Stars is an award-winning carefully sequenced maths programme created by maths teachers to solve the perennial problem of youngsters not knowing their times tables. TTRS has rapidly grown to be one of the leading ed-tech maths products in schools with over 15,000 primary and secondary schools using it. Available in a range of formats; on paper, online and via the app, TTRS is successfully boosting over 3 million pupils' times tables recall and maths confidence worldwide.

NumBots is a highly engaging platform that achieves the ‘triple win’ of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that pupils confidently move from counting to calculating.

Our expertise in maths mastery, combined with enticing gamification and design, make maths fun. The sophisticated question algorithms used in our programmes work intelligently to ask questions that are tailored to the child and their learning needs. Teachers benefit from access to valuable data on the performance of their pupils, which enables them to view progress and easily celebrate successes through the use of custom leaderboards and certificates.

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Hazelwood Lane
MK45 2HF

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