Fleet Education Services
Fleet Education Services helps put your struggling pupils back on track.
Our trained tutors address learning gaps, improve confidence and accelerate progress and attainment. We have specialised in the delivery of tuition to disadvantaged pupils in school since 2006 and have been an approved NTP tuition partner since the launch of the programme in 2020.
Tutoring works best when it’s tailored to your learners. Working closely with teaching staff in schools, our tutors find out how each pupil learns. We use these benchmarks to create an Individual Learning Plan through our market-leading Student and Tutor Educational Performance System (STEPS). This lays out their targets and objectives.
Progress is consistently monitored as we keep a record of the pupil’s performance in each session. This helps us construct bespoke Progress Reports every six weeks. These reports tell us how each pupil is performing against their personal goals, seamlessly co-ordinating communication between pupils, tutors and institutions.
Our tutors are fully qualified to teach, with many holding QTS and all holding an honours degree in the subjects they tutor. Tuition is delivered in school at times that suit your timetable and can be one-to-one or in small groups, in-person or online.
With 86% of our disadvantaged learners meeting or exceeding their targets, we can take your funding further.
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