Best Practice Network
Best Practice Network (BPN) is a leading training organisation, providing high quality continuing professional development and leadership qualifications tailored for teachers, leaders and education professionals worldwide.
BPN is working in partnership with early years and school leaders, teachers and all members of the education community to help transform the lives of children and enhance their life chances, recognising the power of a self-improving school-led system to drive sustained improvement and provide all staff with high-quality professional development.
Outstanding Leaders Partnership (OLP), a school-led collaboration of teaching schools, is managed and supported by BPN, which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the partnership, including operational management, design, development and quality assurance of the programmes. OLP is a DfE approved provider of the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for school leadership for which it was recently assessed as "exceptional" in a DfE Quality Review with a score of 9/10.
BPN also delivers Early Years Initial Teacher Training in partnership with e-Qualitas; a flexible work-based, Master’s level National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) programme; the Diploma for School Business Managers and preparation and assessment for HLTA status as part of the HLTA National Assessment Partnership (HNAP), which awards the status in all regions of the country.
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