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The Cheese Factor – Top tips for implementing EdTech in school

Technology in schools can make a massive difference, improving outcomes for pupils and making teachersā€™ lives easier. But EdTech isnā€™t...
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Wonder Why Society ā€“ Teachers at Bett invited to explore a free online world of innovative learning [#BettFuturesTakeover]

We know that teachers are increasingly stretched for the time and resources needed to deliver a creative and innovative curriculum....
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Yellow Door ā€“ How EdTech can add value to early years education [#BettFuturesTakeover]

Young children build up an understanding of the world around them through a variety of play activities. This includes the...
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Technology makes teachersā€™ lives easier but simplicity and collaboration are key to success in the classroom

Unnecessary workload is a major concern for teachers, so how do they feel about the introduction of new technology in...
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ā€œMore fun than FIFAā€ – Students and parents give top marks to educational website nominated for major tech award.

Tassomai, an online education tool that lets students study on their phones and sends parents weekly updates on their childā€™s...
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ONVU Learning ā€“ The future of lesson observation? ONVU Learning may have the right answer for it [#BettFuturesTakeover]

What would you give to be able to review the highlights and lowlights of every lesson youā€™ve ever taught? And...
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Q4 2017 Barometer

BESAā€™s barometer report is run every quarter, and along with feedback from members, it is combined with the views of...
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Research in English maintained schools 2018

The report found that spending is looking up in all four core spending areas at the primary level ā€“ including...
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LiketoBe ā€“ What would you LiketoBe? [#BettFuturesTakeover]

What would happen if someone created a digital platform that schools could use to connect with businesses, experts and industry?...
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National Centre of Computing Education and associated training and support programmes for computing

The Department for Education (DfE) intends to undertake a procurement exercise in Spring 2018 for a package of programmes in...
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