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CREATE Education Platform Re-launches to Drive Digital Skills Adoption!


Tuesday, 6 September


Mark Rosser


Member News
Press Release


As pupils and teachers are embracing the new academic year its great to see companies doing their upmost to make life in the classrooms as engaging and inspiring as possible.

Since 2013 when Ultimaker GB was launched in the UK & Ireland we have been sharing knowledge to inspire and encourage people to explore the world of 3D printing.

A crucial part of the strategy was to give people in education access to this game changing technology. As a result of the unique insights from our founder Paul Croft’s parents being teachers we were able to develop an offering that was supportive to educators and acknowledged the challenges faced in classrooms across the country.

In 2014 we launched the CREATE Education Project to aid with the adoption of 3D printing. Based on our collaborative spirit and embracing the feedback we had received CREATE is an acronym of core values:

C – Community

R – Reliability

E – Education

A – Access

T – Teachability

E – Economics

Since announcing the project we have been inundated with offers of support from education institutions and businesses across the world and confirmed how important it is to support those who inspire the next generation.

Two and a half years later and after some amazing support from pioneering teachers, ambassadors, the makerspaces, industry partners and the community we are now announcing the next stage in the CREATE Education Project development to make the platform more user friendly and ensure the resources are more accessible.

Paul Croft said “To coincide and in preparation for the new academic year we’ve got lots of new content and more social proof as how 3D printing is impacting learning opportunities in the classroom.  We keep listening and are dedicated to making life as easy as possible for teachers and encourage sharing to inspire others”

The CREATE Education Project brings together a vibrant community looking to share ideas and resources and also helps connect people with local users so that they can access 3D printing live!

‘’The Create Education team have been and are instrumental in making 3D printing accessible to schools and students.  They have not just gone into the market with a flashy brochure.  They have gone into schools and rolled up their sleeves, learned at the chalk face and given back in terms of their education interface, product and software development. 

Create Education provide much more than just an Ultimaker 3D printer.  From the printer itself to the software and the Create Education Community it is an interactive emersion.’’

– David Holloway OBE

You can be part of the project and share your own story!


Join us on social media:

Facebook: @createeducationproject

Twitter: UltimakerCREATE

Instagram: createeducation

Get in touch on 01257 276116

You can also contact us at