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Prim-ED Publishing – Two Resources Shortlisted for Teach Primary Awards 2019


Wednesday, 24 July


Mark Rosser


Member News


Prim-Ed Publishing is delighted to announce that two of its most popular teacher resources, Teacher’s Moderation Toolkit and STEM Projects have been shortlisted as a finalist for the Teach Company Awards 2019.

According to The Teach Company, hundreds of entries were received from across the industry in the primary, secondary and early years categories, and the standard of competition was very high. Six resources from each category have been shortlisted for the Teach Primary Awards, with the overall winners being announced in October 2019.

The STEM Projects boxed series has reached the finals in the STEM resource category and includes resources that engage children in the excitement and possibilities offered by science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Developed by a team of teachers, education consultants and lead editor Laurence Keel (Headteacher and education consultant), STEM Projects is a seven box series (EYFS to Year 6), that were designed to give teachers a readily accessible resource to inspire and spark interest in fun, cross-curricular learning and promote enquiry-based and student lead research in the areas of science, maths, technology and ICT, art and design. There are four strands of science in each box: Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Physical Sciences.

Each topic contains key learning objectives from the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum for England. The topics also cover contemporary environmental themes such as recycling, climate change and horticulture.

Each project allows pupils to work creatively in small teams, using effective communication and collaboration skills, to plan, design, make and evaluate a thoughtful and innovative solution to a given task. When satisfied with their solutions, pupils are given a range of ways to showcase and discuss their designs, explaining how science was used throughout the project.

The Teacher’s Moderation Toolkit has been shortlisted for the CPD resource category. This category includes resources schools can use to develop staff and standards of education.

Developed in consultation with the lead author, Maddy Barnes (Teacher, Literacy Consultant and Blogger), St Helens TSA and with The Three Saints Academy Trust, the Teacher’s Moderation Toolkit, ensures accurate teacher assessment of writing and consistency across the school. There are three books in the series, one for each of the three key stages: KS1, LKS2 and UKS2. The Teacher’s Moderation Toolkit series provides everything that is needed to equip staff with a range of resources to:

• support their own judgements, by providing high-quality, standardised, termly examples of real children’s writing;

• provide staff with examples of writing that they can annotate in phases or clusters, using non-negotiable writing sheets referenced to the national curriculum, which can be checked against annotated examples in the resource book; and

• share exemplars with pupils, to raise expectations, to peer assess a neutral piece of writing and to develop further depth in writing.

View the shortlisted resources here:

STEM Projects

Teacher’s Moderation Toolkit