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New UK partnership secures China sales


Tuesday, 3 March


Mark Rosser


Member News
Press Release


Early years training company AllStars has secured its first international sales and has plenty more in the pipeline. AllStars Training, which launched at the BETT Education suppliers expo in January, has partnered with Education Technology specialists TrainingToolz, to deliver world class British standards early years training to the rapidly expanding pre-school education market.

The brain-child of Jill Johnson, an experienced Early Years specialist, AllStars Training has secured contracts in China to supply online training to bring Chinese nursery workers up to British standards.

Jill knew there was a fantastic opportunity to train nursery workers in the rapidly expanding Chinese market, and online training was the obvious answer.

“I knew there was a gap in the Chinese market for good quality EYFS training,” explains Jill. “I needed to go online, but didn’t know where to start and didn’t want to make a huge investment in a technology build when I was starting out.”

Jill approached EdTech firm, TrainingToolz Ltd, who specialise in partnering with organisations who want to launch online training. They thought the idea had real potential, and agreed to provide the technology base and ongoing technical expertise on a partnership basis. They quickly provided Jill with a demo product, so she could test the market and go on to win endorsement from Leeds Beckett University.

“AllStars is a great project to be involved in as it plays to our strengths of being able to move quickly and flexibly, whilst also allowing us to work in new international areas,” explains Ian Pringle, TrainingToolz CTO. “We understand that whether it’s a large education supplier, or a small start up, the technical barriers to launching online training can be daunting and costly. It doesn’t have to be that way, and that’s why we’ve chosen to work in partnership with organisations to help them develop and launch their offerings into fast growing online training markets.”

The next step for AllStars was to officially launch with a stand at Bett2020.

“The interest at BETT from international markets was phenomenal,” explains Jill. “Not only did it lead to us securing Chinese deals, but we’ve had interest from international school chains and from countries all around the World including Egypt, Malaysia, Thailand, Saudi and UAE.”

Jill also had assistance from BESA and the DIT who were invaluable in helping her navigate the international landscape. After the successful launch at Bett 2020, Jill is now scheduled to promote AllStars Training internationally and has been asked to speak at a number of high profile international education shows.