New Early Years’ Resourcing Market Report
Monday, 3 July
Richard Connor
The latest component of C3 Education’s comprehensive annual review of school budgets and spending has been released to clients. As part of our licence programme we can make these reports available to BESA members on a limited basis. We have a few remaining licences available for access to our early years’ sector report. This covers budgets, spending trends and forecasts for a range of product groups from stationery to digital learning content – there are 14 in total. A promotional document for those interested in considering is available. A £200 discount is applied to purchases made by BESA members – but hurry as there are only 5 licences available.
In addition to this early years’ sector report, we also have, or planning to publish reports for all the other sectors. There are the authority sector reports (published in May) for both primary and secondary schools in England, the independent sector (being released in August), academy sector, special schools and by October we’ll have coverage for Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland. The final report being a UK-wide report in early November. I have two ‘super’ licences available for all the reports at a special discount for those interested.
Please contact Richard about any of our sector reports, or any bespoke reporting requirements.
Richard Connor