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New assessment framework announced for Scottish Curriculum for Excellence


Friday, 23 September


Mark Rosser


Member News
Press Release


At the Scottish Learning Festival 2016, B Squared presented a host of new features, including a new framework being developed to assess pupil progress within the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.

B Squared is a market leader in the provision of assessment software. For over 20 years, schools have trusted our Connecting Steps products to assess and track pupil progress and we are now used in over a third of all Special schools in England. Our assessment software spans EYFS, P Scales P1(i) to P8, all National Curriculum subjects at Key Stages 1 & 2 and we have recently added the Welsh Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 assessments for English and Mathematics.

In collaboration with schools in North Lanarkshire we are developing new frameworks to assess progress and achievements within the Significant Aspects of Learning of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Our initial rollout will cover Developmental, Early, First and Second stages, with the Third and Fourth stages added over time. Importantly, our new Developmental stage is designed to support children with more complex needs, building on our wealth of experience within the SEN sector. The Curriculum for Excellence will be available as part of our Connecting Steps assessment software.

We understand that it is important for schools in Scotland to record Outcomes as well as Experiences. Schools will be able to use Connecting Steps to track Outcomes and our brand new evidence software, Evisense, to record Experiences. Evisense has been developed in response to customer feedback and is designed to ensure the evidence is in place to support progress recorded by teaching staff. Capture of evidence has been made as easy and secure as possible – progress can be recorded via videos, photos or documents – and all information is encrypted and stored on our secure cloud servers. Access to Evisense is straightforward – via Android, iOS and Amazon Fire apps – as well as via a web browser. Importantly, using our assessment and evidence products, teachers can link evidence recorded to both Experiences and Outcomes.