Metro Security shows how to combat fire risks at education sites
Tuesday, 4 July
Fire safety is one of the paramount considerations for any educational facility and Metro Security (GB) PLC has introduced a wide variety of tailor-made solutions to tackle any site-specific risks faced by educations providers, including schools, academies, colleges and universities.
These measures ensure that students, teachers and other staff are protected during their daily activities from risks ranging from accidental fires through to arson-related attacks.
The protection Metro provides involves safeguards covering all the different types of fire hazards, smoke inhalation and heat damage inherent in these incidents. Accordingly, Metro’s solutions encompass central control panels, heat and smoke detectors, alarm sounders, manual call points, sprinkler devices, extinguishing equipment and remote monitoring services from its in-house 24/7 alarm receiving centre.
Metro Security addresses all aspects of fire safety by ensuring that a site’s fire risk assessment is followed by specification choices of relevant, reliable and value-for-money equipment.
This step precedes installation, commissioning and handover of the system and complementary training for the equipment’s users.
Important systems’ compliance with fire safety legislation is built in to all equipment specification choices, designed to guarantee full response from local fire and rescue services in the event of an incident. This is achieved through remote monitoring activities and incident confirmation procedures aimed at making sure that false alarms fall within local fire brigades’ published (rolling) restrictions – ensuring response to any verified fire at your premises.
Integrated solutions
Metro Security’s fire safety systems are developed in conjunction with advice sought from insurers and fire officers, designed to ensure that the solutions recommended combine best value systems with the most effective prevention, detection and protection.
Integration of these systems with related, complementary safety and monitoring systems such as public address equipment around each site, and links with thermal imaging cameras, also helps provide the highest possible levels of fire safety protection. For instance, thermal imaging cameras can automatically alert remote alarm receiving centre operators to abnormal heat build-up indicating a potential fire, allowing preemptive on-site response to minimise damage before such an incident develops further.
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