Learning by Questions invites teachers to help themselves to maths mastery
Tuesday, 16 January
Mark Rosser
Learning by Questions is inviting teachers to help themselves to hundreds of maths mastery Question sets as part of their Early Access Beta Programme. The Question Sets span years 5, 6, 7 and 8 along with recall Question Sets that develop understanding and fluency.
Maths teachers across the UK have so far had limited choices since the Government ring-fenced £41 million for maths mastery in 2012.
LbQ, the teaching and learning approach created by ed-tech pioneer Tony Cann CBE, has more than 6,000 published questions with instant feedback for pupils to work through during lessons, whilst their teacher monitors live analysis of class and individual performance so they can most effectively target intervention.
The LbQ programme will officially launch in September 2018 but the Early Access Programme is an opportunity for teachers to use the software and content ahead of time.
Corinne Drysdale is Assistant Headteacher at Rock Ferry Primary School in the Wirral and is one of the 100 teachers currently using LbQ as part of a £1million Feedback Project:
“We thought LbQ might be useful as a starter, but it’s become the main chunk of what we do now. It’s fantastic to see the higher ability students flying, having a go at those deeper mastery level questions and the proof of what they’re capable of is all saved. It’s also great for filling gaps in kids learning, identifying where the weakness is. It has revolutionised our practise at a time when we were trying to reduce marking. We can’t wait to roll it out across the rest of school.”
Helen Toole is running the Beta Early Access Programme at Learning by Questions:
“Everyone who encounters LbQ becomes enthused by it and when you see it in action you wonder why this has not been done before. However, this is a programme that has been years in the making, created and developed by a passionate team and refined by insightful teachers across the UK. Our collective aim is to increase learning whilst reducing teacher workloads and teachers tell us that LbQ does exactly that. The Early Access Programme is our invitation to teachers to reap the benefits now.”
The LbQ Early Access Programme will launch at BETT 2018 on 24th January on www.lbq.org and the company has been shortlisted for two of the prestigious BETT Awards; Innovator of the Year and Start-Up of the Year.
Learning by Questions is a cloud-based educational classroom tool that saves teachers time and increases their efficiency by highlighting which students need their help and which concepts need teaching during lessons. Students’ progress at their own pace and ability through question sets and receive immediate automatic feedback as they answer. Teachers receive live analysis and results are saved to support assessment and planning.
Funded and owned by the Bowland Charitable Trust and led by the founder of Promethean Tony Cann CBE, the team behind Learning by Questions have an established reputation for changing classrooms around the world. Further independent testing of the programme by the Institute for Effective Education confirms that using Learning by Questions could increase learning by more than 25%.
Currently undergoing a £1million Feedback Study with 50 schools in 10 local authorities across the UK and nominated for 2 prestigious BETT Awards, Learning by Questions is committed to improving education through evidence-based pedagogy and will be launching in Autumn 2018.
Find out more by visiting www.learningbyquestions.org or call Alan Walker on 01254 688060. a.walker@learningbyquestions.org