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KAZ to hold their very first Worldwide Touch Typing Tournament for schools


Tuesday, 7 January


Anthony Keene Braganza


Member News


KAZ to hold their very first Worldwide Touch Typing Tournament for schools

Due to numerous requests from Head and IT teachers, KAZ Type Limited are holding their very first Worldwide Touch Typing Tournament for schools. They hope it will enthuse and engage students, bring out their competitive edge and encourage them to learn the skill, as well as being lots of fun!

The tournament started on January 10th and will end on June 30th. (Schools must already have, or take out a KAZ licence in order to compete and can join in at any time).

Terms & Conditions

  1. All schools entering must already have or take out a KAZ licence
  1. Schools can register and join in any time until the end of June
  1. To enter your students into the competition, simply press the ‘Typing Tournament’ button on your dashboard/admin panel and all students who are already using KAZ will be automatically entered. Students who do not wish to compete, need not take part
  1. Once you have entered, the link to the typing test will activate. Students will be able to log in to the test using their existing credentials by clicking on the trophy symbol in the top bar of our website
  1. Testing will be based on our schools’ adult edition phrases and include punctuation
  1. Students can take the test as often as they like but only their highest speed will be saved in the KAZ back office
  1. Updates on the leading school/students will be published on our website every month
  1. Teachers will be able to view all their students’ progress and highest scores at all times on their dashboard — so if they wish to hold their own school competition, they can 
  1. At the end of June, the competition will close and all data will be analysed
  1. The results will be published on our website in July. (The winning school will be notified in advance)
  2. In the event of a tie, accuracy will be taken into account
  1. If there is a tie with both speed and accuracy, the student to have achieved the highest score first will be our first champion and their school awarded the KAZ Touch Typing Trophy


For the winning student:

The student with the highest number of words per minute will receive a KAZ Touch Typing Winner’s Certificate and if 15 years or above, a free City & Guilds licence. 

(In the event of a younger student winning, their City & Guilds licence will be kept on hold until they reach the required age.)

For the winning school: 

The winning school will receive:

  •  The KAZ Touch Typing Trophy 2020
  • A year’s free renewal of their KAZ 

 Typing Tutor licence

  • Will be showcased on our website
  • Will be celebrated on all social media and press