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HfL publishes 28 stories of reducing the disadvantaged gap in schools


Tuesday, 3 September


Mark Rosser


Member News


Herts for Learning (HfL) has just launched a new book, Great Expectations – Volume 1, showcasing 28 new case studies from schools reducing the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged pupils.

Great Expectations is a year-long education programme, delivered by HfL, looking at the features of great schools and strategies that have impact in closing attainment gaps and raising aspirations.

The book highlights case studies and initiatives from the 28 schools from the first cohort which have been implemented, embedded and proven to be impactful. It contains practical examples of pupils’ lives being improved, across early years, primary and secondary phases.

Rachel Macfarlane, Director of Education Services at HfL and co-editor of the book said:

“We have captured great practice in case studies which leant themselves to being edited and written up into a book that could be disseminated right across county. The annual volume of case studies, which is the culmination of the work of each year’s Great Expectations cohort, is the way of sharing practice more widely to leaders and anyone interested in the world of education and the issue of social mobility.

The Great Expectations book is available to all from the HfL website, and we hope many schools can benefit from the stories contained. None of the initiatives are Hertfordshire-specific; they are all sensible, practical universal strategies that would work from Land’s End to John o’ Groats and internationally as well.

We really hope that it will inspire people to feel that they are initiatives that they can take, lift and adapt.”

All Hertfordshire headteachers were sent a copy of the Great Expectations book at the end of the summer term. Further copies of the book can be purchased for £9.99 each from the Hfl online shop: Great Expectations – Volume 1