Herts for Learning – Back on Track
Friday, 24 July
Julia Garvey
Six months of disrupted education on an unprecedented scale means that pupils across the country have missed out on crucial areas of learning. In order for schools to respond to this challenge and to ensure pupils meet at least age-related standards by the end of the 2020-21 academic year, the curriculum needs to be comprehensively restructured and delivered in-line with DfE guidance
In response, Herts for Learning (HfL) has launched a range of packages of CPD, resources and support called “Back on Track”. These packages have been specifically developed by HfL’s team of experienced subject area specialists so that schools in the early years and primary phases can strategically plan and confidently deliver the curriculum changes needed to get their pupils back on track with their learning.
Focused on whole-school needs, HfL’s “Back on Track” offers a series of targeted packages covering:
- Assessment
- Early Years Foundation Stage
- English
- Languages
- Mathematics
- Science
- Wellbeing
These packages encompass a range of specially devised and collated tools, guidance and resources to support staff with focused planning and delivery. The assessment package highlights the importance of using formative assessment to ensure that the most critical skills and knowledge are taught effectively. Transition between year groups and key stages is also a key focus.
Herts for Learning Managing Director Andrew de Csilléry says “None of us could have predicted the impact of the pandemic and the disruption it has caused to children’s education. HfL is very much focused on supporting schools through these challenging times to ensure that every child, no matter their circumstances has access to a great education. “Back on Track” is a key part of the support we are providing and the response to date has been tremendous with over 130 schools from Hertfordshire and other counties around the UK already signed up.”
“Schools have the flexibility to spend their [universal catch-up] funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.” DfE | Guidance: Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium (20/7/20)
Lorraine Hemmens, Deputy Headteacher at Hertingfordbury Cowper C of E Primary School says “This looks incredible and such a massive piece of work; I honestly thought I would be spending my summer holidays going through the English curriculum and attempting to pull together a version of a ‘recovery curriculum’; we will definitely be going for this – and the maths. Thank you for all the hard work that has gone into it.”
More detail of the packages and support options can be found at can be found at
Alternatively contact HfL via email: info@hertsforlearning.co.uk or call: 01438 845111.