Getting Your School Cyber Safe
Tuesday, 15 March
Hannah Kelleher
Following the letter issued by The Department for Education and The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) warning about the increase in cyber attacks in the education sector, Supreme Systems have put together a white paper that helps you apply some of their recommendations and protect your school against cyber-attacks.
To receive your complimentary copy, click here to download your copy.
Supreme Systems has recently launched a website for schools where you will find lots of resources to help keep your school safe, plus information on getting the right training for your team. You will also find information on getting a cyber security certification for your school. The website address is
If you have any questions regarding cyber security protection, training, and certification, get in touch with them on 0121 309 0126 or email them, they will be happy to help.
(This content was originally sent to Supreme Systems’ school newsletter readers on June 25th 2021).