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Free Safeguarding Webinar From MyConcern – Keeping Children Safe From Domestic Abuse


Tuesday, 23 June


Sam Butter


Member News


Join MyConcern on Tuesday 7th July at 4:30pm for this free safeguarding webinar. Survivors Lisa Flavin and Vicky Lang will share their lived experience of domestic abuse and share information with schools on keeping children safe from domestic abuse.

Register for your free space here.

This session will cover:
• Indicators of abuse
• Implications of this abuse on children
• What schools and colleges need to do to intervene
• Useful resources

About Lisa Flavin:
Lisa is a survivor of domestic abuse and is passionate about raising awareness of coercive control to others who may be experiencing what she went through or those who know or suspect someone who may be being abused. As a member of a Domestic Abuse survivor’s panel, she provides feedback and advice on implementing Violence Against Women policies and future strategies. Lisa has also worked with Welsh Government on a number of campaigns.

As a campaigner and public speaker, Lisa has shares her experience to encourage others to get the support they need to escape, and show that there is life after abuse. She has spoken at The Senydd, Cardiff University, Gwent Police Headquarters, Mansion House and at various companies such as the Office for National Statistics to encourage them to start a conversation about domestic abuse and implement policies at their organisations.

About Vicky Lang:
Vicky is also a survivor of domestic abuse and is a domestic violence advocate within a group called Seeds Wales. She has three beautiful children and has a wealth of personal experience and knowledge on how domestic abuse effects children and young people.

As a survivor of childhood sexual violence, Vicky’s life spiralled out of control, causing eating disorders, poor mental health and low self-esteem. Because of this lack of confidence and self-worth, she accepted a partner who emotionally, mentally and physically abused her for over eight years – this was also the father of two of her children.

That was seven years ago Vicky has never looked back! She now thrives from her passion to campaign to educate people to prevent abuse like hers from continuing.

Book your free space today!