eMathsMaster’s online maths assists the SK College Group
Friday, 22 February
Mark Rosser
eMathsMaster’s online maths teacher training and student learning solution assists the SK College Group achieve a positive value added score, propelling SK College Group into the top 25% of colleges nationally for GCSE maths provision.
SK College Group (which includes St Helens FE college and Knowsley Community College) were part of the Strategic College Improvement Fund pilot and published their evaluation on February 15th. This evaluation stated:
• The attainment of a positive value added score (0.03) for maths GCSE is a tremendous achievement for everyone working with their maths department (Compared to -0.05 in English GCSE).
• 601 students have been using the eMathsMaster software programme, with 127 regularly engaging outside of regular lessons. There have been 14,850 modules passed from a total of 21,323 attempts.
• An average of 130 modules are passed daily on eMathsMaster.
• Adult learner results for higher grades in the maths GCSE are above national average.
• Achievement rates for maths GCSE qualifications, at all ages, are at or above national rates and in some cases significantly above.
• There has been a significant culture change at the college, with complaint from students who hadn’t qualified to do the November resit but wanted to do the exam (due to attendance at College/ time on eMathsMaster). The change towards a positive attitude from students is significant.
eMathsMaster has been deeply involved with the SK College Group in providing a full online maths KS2 to GCSE teacher training and student learning and revision programme. Whilst there are undoubtedly other factors in the SCIF project, Colin Salmon, maths manager at St Helens, believes that our online programme added significantly to the attainment of a positive value added score.
Tarun Kapur CBE, CEO of The Dean Trust, involved within the SCIF project for the college, stated:
‘The activity in mathematics, from what were poorly motivated students (in most cases) has been tremendous… There is a real sense of motivation and focused learning…The college principal, Jette Burford, was very complimentary and you should be really proud of the impact that eMathsMaster has made in what I consider to be the first of many improvements in this sector.’
eMathsMaster’s online programme delivers CPD for teachers teaching maths and a comprehensive mastery based online maths student learning and revision programme that covers the entire maths curriculum from Key Stage 2 through to grade 9 of the maths GCSE over 380 modules. Each module contains professionally narrated, animated lessons, assessments, sets of maths questions and, for teachers, CPD teacher training films.
Adam Caplan
CEO eMathsMaster Limited
T: +44 (0)20 7495 2100 M: +44 (0)7595 217320
Skype: adamcaplan95th Skype for business:
For KS2-GCSE: www.emathsmaster.co.uk / For K12 education: www.emathmaster.com
Twitter: @adcaplan @eMathsMaster (UK) / @eMathMaster (US)