Education Resources Awards 2018 open for entries
Friday, 5 January
Mark Rosser
Now is your chance – whether you’re a supplier, a teacher, or anyone involved in education – to show the effectiveness of what you do and receive your industry’s highest accolade.
What are they?
The Education Resources Awards highlight the quality and diversity of educational products and resources, excellent educational establishments and the most dedicated members of the teaching profession and supplies industry, all working together to encourage the very best in education. Now in their 20th successful year, these awards focus on the resources, services and people that really make a practical impact on learning and the day-to-day work of the teachers in the classroom.
Who organises and sponsors them?
The awards are organised by Brilliant Marketing Solutions and The British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA). We are pleased to acknowledge the support of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), nasen, The SSAT and the sponsorship of Helix Maped, The Rochester Bridge Trust and YPO. Our media partner is Education Today.
How do I enter?
The only way to win is to enter – and the only way to enter is by submitting the very best and proving it. The process is very straightforward. A separate form should be completed for each category entered you can apply online. The same resource may be submitted into more than one category. Complete the nomination form in this brochure, all forms must be completed in their entirety (photocopies are acceptable). Evidence to support an entry should be no longer than 750 words. Other supporting material, such as testimonials, photographs and/ or technical descriptions, must be submitted where relevant.
Closing date
Please hurry the closing date for entries is Monday 5 February 2017.
Visit Education Resources Awards for further information on entering or an application pack can be ERA 2018 Entry form.
For more information or help please call Chris Milton on 01622 474 011 or email Chris.