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EDClass becomes ‘DfE Accredited Online Education Alternative Provider’


Friday, 14 June


Swathy Sanjay


Press Release


EDClass has been accredited by the Department for Education as an organisation thatoperates as an alternative provider to support pupils who have difficulty in attending a physical school’.

Ofsted visited EDClass on the 24-25 April 2024 in accordance with the Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS) to highlight the company’s quality when delivering education to children. The OEAS aims to assure schools, local authorities (LA), parents and students about the quality of online settings and to ensure high standards are provided.

To be granted this accreditation means EDClass is able support more children who struggle with their mental health or behavioural challenges. EDClass has established a caring culture, rooted in high expectations and clear ambition for the pupils who attend the online setting.

It wants to ensure that every child fulfils their education potential in line with the SEND & AP Improvement Plan and this has been ingrained throughout the entire organisation. Leaders have established robust systems that allow their knowledgeable staff to check continually on pupils’ welfare and engagement with learning. Consequently, staff respond swiftly and appropriately to any concerns they identify.

EDClass works alongside schools, trusts and LAs to raise attendance, attainment and engagement for children who are struggling. Attendance can be claimed through a variety of avenues as EDClass is an accredited alternative provider. While attending EDClass, pupils remain on the register of a physical school. Pupils are either based at their homes or are supported to access the provision from within their registered schools.

Find out more here.