CPD and lesson observation across school groups made easy with BlueSky Partnership
Wednesday, 15 January
Mark Rosser
BlueSky Education will be on stand NN57 at Bett 2020 to showcase BlueSky Partnership, which enables academy trusts and other groups of schools to standardise the management of CPD and lesson observation across multiple schools.
The solution was developed with the guidance and quality assurance of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), helping to ensure it meets the needs of trusts and other school groups.
BlueSky Partnership is already being used by senior leaders of more than 100 school groups to raise standards across their schools and make it easier for individual schools to share best practice, training and resources.
Stuart Gardner, CEO at The Thinking Schools Academy Trust (TSAT), says:
“Talented staff create excellent schools and great performance management is a key element of that. Having the consistency of message, approach and expectation which BlueSky provides helps us to continue driving standards upwards.
“BlueSky’s Partnership module makes it easy for us to organise, manage and evaluate information and in addition saves valuable time when it comes to Trust reporting and providing feedback quickly.”
BlueSky Education’s managing director, Denise Inwood, a former senior school leader, said,
“Being able to view information such as details of staff training, professional development opportunities and feedback from lesson observations centrally is crucial for enabling senior leaders responsible for the success of multiple schools to get a clear picture of the strengths of the group and identify areas for development.
“With BlueSky Partnership, templates can be created to standardise the way this information is recorded across school groups, making it easier for the head of a trust or CEO of a cluster of international schools to monitor the standard of teaching and learning and act quickly to identify and address any gaps in training and skills.”
Senior leaders have a dashboard of valuable information that can be used to measure performance across their schools and reduce the cost of staff training through economies of scale.
The broad spectrum of information available to heads of school groups can help them identify teachers who have specific areas of in-house expertise so they can be provided with opportunities to develop their role or upskill staff in other schools within the group.
Staff in individual schools can log in and create their own records, contributing to objectives set in their annual review or upload evidence to support their professional development goals. There is also the facility for staff to share training and resources or work collaboratively through online dialogue to drive the quality of education across the wider group.
Come to stand NN57 at Bett to find out how BlueSky Partnership could help your school group ensure CPD and lesson observation drives school improvement and to set up a free demo at Bett or at your school. Visit https://www.blueskyeducation.co.uk/features-and-benefits for more information.
About BlueSky Education
BlueSky Education supports organisations in the education sector with staff development, professional learning, and quality assurance. With members in over 26 countries and portfolios worldwide, BlueSky’s modules integrate seamlessly to create the definitive solution.
BlueSky Education is an ASCL Premier Partner.
Media contact:
Alesha Allen, Catherine Lane PR
Tel: 020 7117 6015 / 07960 166 988 Email: alesha@catherinelane.com