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Challenges, tensions and opportunities in English Literature teaching


Friday, 26 November


Keeley Garvey


Member News


Challenges, tensions and opportunities in English Literature teaching


On Wednesday 8th October Tassomai hosted an online roundtable discussion which focused on secondary English literature and brought together English teachers, school leaders and key organisations representing the teaching of English. Together the nine participants discussed how the pandemic has put pressure on the teaching of English literature, the support required specifically for Y11 students and the role edtech can play to support the teaching of the subject. 

Following the roundtable discussion a short report Challenges, tensions and opportunities in English Literature teaching has been produced to capture the wide ranging and insightful discussion. 

Challenges, tensions and opportunities in English Literature is a new short report aimed at all those involved in teaching secondary English literature. It draws together key points from a roundtable discussion which included secondary English teachers, school leaders and other key organisations including NATE, the English Association and the Chartered College of Teaching. 

Organised by Tassomai, the creators of a learning app used by many English literature teachers to provide online homework and revision, the report’s key points include:

  • The use of low stakes testing and retrieval exercises in the English classroom has increased compared to pre-pandemic. 
  • Year 11 students are struggling to resume extended writing and teachers have concerns about the accuracy of writing and writing for purpose. Classroom discussion is another area where Year 11 students face challenges.
  • EdTech can provide valuable support to English teachers to help them to scaffold students’ understanding through quizzing, speed up and enhance feedback to students, and support students to develop their understanding of abstract concepts.

 To download the report from Tassomai’s website: 
