CASCAID celebrates 50 years with launch of immersive future-proofing careers program
Thursday, 24 October
Mark Rosser
CASCAID, the leading ed-tech provider of careers guidance solutions, is celebrating 50 years at the forefront of the CEIAG sector with the launch of a new product aimed at providing students with the skills to be ready for the future, whatever that may look like.
Xello is an engaging online program that recognises the individual in each student, equipping them with the power and confidence to drive their own destiny. It’s an approach that Jim Burton, CEO at CASCAID, believes is vital in an increasingly fast-moving and changing world:
“There was a time when a student with an interest in maths might be encouraged towards accountancy or teaching; one with a passion for the sciences might pursue medicine or engineering; or a talent for English might lead to a career in journalism.
“That’s an approach which is too narrow for both the world in which we’re now living and the future society in which today’s students will work. Quite simply, there are careers that those students will take on that we can’t even begin to imagine now – that’s why a different approach is required. In Xello, each student has a completely unique experience based on their individual skills and interests. Interactive lessons are personalised based on the students’ work in the program. This allows them to build essential skills and knowledge to help them succeed in the real world whilst developing a personalised roadmap of potential career options.”
Xello is a totally immersive platform that allows students to closely examine their interests, skills and abilities and in doing so, start to forge the critical links between who they are as individuals and the variety of study and career paths open to them. The platform is easily updated so as the student gains new experiences, their profile reflects the person that they are at that moment. Importantly, as the student develops, they’re able to reassess and change their plans for the future.
For educators, meanwhile, Xello provides the opportunity to deliver careers education at scale without creating onerous pressures on their already precious time. As the program personalises to each user, educators are able to identify the students requiring additional support and focus their time on those, whilst allowing others to progress independently. Importantly, the program addresses the key Gatsby Benchmark of ‘personalised careers guidance’.
Xello has been developed with extensive input from both students and educators. Louise Reynolds, Associate Principal for Secondary at OneSchool Global UK, was one of the first to see Xello’s potential. She comments:
“With a vision for enhancing our careers education strategy by better embracing technology, OneSchool Global UK chose Xello to innovatively enhance our curriculum provision. The single sign-on functionality of the program aligns perfectly with our technology goals for OneSchool Global. Xello enables our forever-busy teachers to easily and consistently support their students to prepare for their future.
“We are firm believers that a student who is equipped with the knowledge to self-direct their own learning is a successful student, and we are looking forward to exploring the ways that Xello can support this.”
More information on Xello can be found by visiting:
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