
BESA’s Executive Council is a 20-person strong group comprising exclusively of senior leaders from companies with full BESA membership, playing the important role of setting the strategy for the industry body.
Council members are elected for a three-year period and each member company is permitted one representative on the Council at a given time. Council members convene in-person, four times per year, for half-a-day periods as a primary commitment, and provide additional ad hoc contributions to support the BESA strategy.
This year, seven places will be available on the Council, and all full BESA member companies will be given the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidates in September. Successful candidates will be announced at BESA’s Winter Business Insight Day and AGM, which will take place on Thursday 7 November 2024.
You can now nominate yourself, a colleague or another individual – as long as they are a senior employee, director or partner from a full BESA member company and have agreed to be nominated.
This year, we are keen to hear from candidates of a wide and diverse range of backgrounds, to ensure that our Executive Council provides true representation of the broad balance of companies and individuals in BESA membership.
We are also particularly seeking candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Finance, Commercial, Legal, Compliance, HR or with experience of serving on a Board.
If yourself or someone you know fits the above criteria, please do consider submitting a nomination. We are always looking for new faces to join the Council; if you have any hesitation or need further information about the role, please do get in touch.
Please note it is important to confirm a nomination with a potential nominee before submitting this to us.
Any candidate being nominated will need to submit the following:

  1. A headshot
  2. A short overview of why they are standing and would be a good addition to the Executive Council (strictly no more than 300 words)
  3. Distinguish which part of the sector they most closely identify with from the below list:
  • Art, Craft & Consumables   
  • Assessment/Feedback        
  • Classroom Resources          
  • Consultants/Recruitment
  • Curriculum Content
  • Distributors
  • EdTech       
  • Education Services
  • Publishing 
  • School Administration & Management         
  • Special Educational Needs  
  • STEM
  • CPD/Training
  • Equipment/Furniture

To nominate yourself or someone else, please submit the above information to elections@besa.org.uk. Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 30 August 2024.