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TTS supports role play on a big scale – Outdoors!


Monday, 7 July


Mark Rosser





Role play provision outdoors can be both exciting and unique, and opportunities provided should take advantage of this larger scale environment. The outdoors offers new experiences, amazing spaces and ever changing interactions with the natural world. TTS offers an exciting range of outdoor resources that take advantage of the special nature of the outdoors.

Story Tellers can act out their favourite fairytale characters and stories with the new Story Telling range. The range features the Story Tellers Cottage (EY04681), £3,999.95 which is brimming with character and charm, ideal for fairy story scenarios. The large interior space is ideal for furniture or for a group of children and adults to tell stories or make a home. This delightful role play cottage has clear panels on one side so that the children can view the outside world or equally peer inside to see what activities are happening.

Ideal to add inside or outside the Story Tellers Cottage are the Story Tellers Table and Chairs (EY05329), £199.95 which features 2 chairs and a table and the Story Tellers Bench (EY05320), £149.95. The table, chairs and bench provide great places to sit and read, chat with friends, eat snacks or write, and are available to buy together, saving £50.

Readers and writers will love the new Woodland Postbox (EY05241), £149.95. It can be left within the outdoor environment so that children can enjoy posting and receiving letters. It is a great resource around Christmas, writing letters to Father Christmas or other festivals. It can be used as a magic box to send message to pirates, fairies or wizards. It is a great catalyst for giving writing activities that extra sparkle.

Babies and Toddlers can also have outdoor role play fun with the Toddler Hideaway and the Baby Outdoor Den. The Toddler Hideaway (EY05239), £449.95 is a great cosy space for resting, playing and observing the world. It is height adjustable so that it can change as their developmental needs change. The sturdy roof offers shade and shelter whilst at the same time provides a space for role play opportunities. The Baby Outdoor Den (EY05252), £399.95 is an open-ended structure that can be embellished for many play and learning opportunities. There is a viewing panel in the back wall for them to peek through and a mirror on one side. The great thing is that the heights can be adjusted so that it is

developmentally appropriate for children and they can pull themselves up as they are learning to stand and walk.

Ideal for use with the Toddler Hideaway and the Baby Outdoor Den is the Soft Grass Outdoor Carpet, (EY05277), £34.95 or the Soft Beige and Brown Outdoor Carpet, (EY05278). Both are ideal for babies and toddlers to sit on or curl up on.

To receive a copy of the 2014 Early Years Catalogue call TTS on 0800 318 686 or for further information on any of these products please visit


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