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TTS 2013 catalogue features resources to stimulate the development of children from birth


Thursday, 18 April


Mark Rosser


Member News


Stimulation of the senses is essential for babies and young children. Early Education’s recent document ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (page 17, Communication and Language, Understanding) suggests practitioners ‘Provide resources that stimulate babies’ interests and excite curiosity such as a shiny bell, a book or a mirror and things that can be grasped, rolled and engage their senses’

A selection of brand new resources the within TTS 2013 catalogue features a range of resources that stimulate the development of children from birth onwards.

The Metallic Pebble Collection (EY04676) is a shiny assortment of different sized colour pebbles that will appeal to babies and toddlers. Priced at £62.95, the smooth texture will enthrall and delight children as they try to stack, roll, count and sort. An open-ended resource that children can manipulate in a variety of ways, experimenting and exploring how the collection can be used in a creative way – maybe small world play, construction or mathematics.

Similarly, Donut Pebbles (EY04695) have been created to stimulate the senses. Priced at £62.95, the set includes 16 pebbles in four sizes. The donut ring shape and varying sizing means that children are easily able to play at stacking and threading them together. This metallic resource has been designed for the very young and in line with schematic behaviours for stacking, posting and transporting.

Four easy to handle, lightweight spheres make up Super Spheres (EY04154) which are easy to roll and manipulate. Designed with a luxurious super smooth surface that make them irresistible to touch they are priced at £39.95. The treasure like quality and spherical shape make them ideal for creative and imaginative play.

The Super Spheres come free when you buy the Metallic Pebble Collection and the Donut Pebbles together, a saving of £39.95.

Commenting, TTS says, “The Metallic Pebble Collection, Donut Pebbles and Super Spheres will make visible enhancements within the learning environment. They have been designed to provide high contrasting tones and shapes for babies and toddlers development which together with the shiny, smooth textures will encourage them to reach and explore, promoting visual and physical development.”

TTS leading supplier of award-winning educational and teaching resources to Primary and Early Years settings continues its client led innovation with the launch of their NEW! 2013 Early Years Catalogue, available from January.

To receive a copy of the 2013 Early Years Catalogue call TTS on 0800 318 686 or for further information on any of these products please visit


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