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Education Suppliers Learn More about the International Schools Market


Tuesday, 28 October


Mark Rosser




Seminar from ISC Research shares latest data, market intelligence and practical advice for education suppliers wishing to build business with international schools.

The international schools market is now considered to be a crucial one for education suppliers and providers. Within just five years the market has grown from 5,033 to 7,495international schools located around the world today, all delivering their learning in the language of English. Many international schools lead the world in the quality of their pedagogy, education facilities and learning resources. As a result, an increasing number of local families as well as expatriates now send their children to international schools. This expanding demand suggests continued growth for the market for the foreseeable future.

With almost half of the international schools around the world following a UK curriculum (entirely or in part), the market is considered a lucrative and important one for UK education suppliers and service providers.

A forthcoming seminar led by the International School Consultancy Group (ISC) which is the leading provider of research and market intelligence on the international schools market, will share the very latest data on the market and present practical advice on how to target, communicate and build business with international schools. The one day seminar will take place at Reading University on Wednesday, 26th November. Registration is required. More information is available here.

Press enquiries:

Anne Keeling

Media Relations

The International School Consultancy Group ISC

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