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SuperNova v13.51 update now available


Thursday, 11 July


Mark Rosser




SuperNova v13.51 update now available
Exclusively available for all version 13 and version 13.50 customers!

This free update builds on SuperNova’s magnification, speech and Braille access to Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP. Existing customers can get SuperNova 13.51 from “Update from Internet” found in SuperNova’s Help menu. If you have a version earlier than 13, or if you do not have SuperNova at all, you can try 13.51 free for 30 days.

You can now use SuperNova to confidently logon to Windows using compatible Braille controllers such as the Alva BC640 from Optelec. Braille access (in computer and literary codes) is now available at the Windows logon and secure desktop screens for both 64 and 32-bit Windows 7 and 8 systems (as well as 32-bit Windows XP). The new Braille at logon is particularly beneficial for SuperNova customers who are deaf blind logging on with Braille only.

Choice of voice at logon. You can use your preferred speech synthesizer at the Windows logon and secure desktop screens. Choose from Vocalizer, Eloquence, Orpheus, or a favourite third-party SAPI voice.
Other improvements found in SuperNova version 13.51 include:

• Windows 8 Mail and Calendar – Dolphin Cursor used automatically to read message bodies and support for non-English editions of these apps.
• Internet Explorer 10 – more reliable visual focus and Dolphin cursor tracking particularly when tab browsing.
• Microsoft Office – read all buttons in the “Find and Replace” dialog box, improved reporting of: edit areas, field labels and graphics in Outlook 2013. Plus the hotkey to Read formula bar now speaks as expected in Excel 2013.
• Windows Media Player 11 and Adobe Reader 10 – added translations for meaningful announcements.
• SuperNova settings now applied appropriately in a Terminal Server environment. Current User settings will be saved if the user is within the same session as their Login, otherwise Local Machine settings will be used (but on a read-only basis). Only applies to network installations.

Read the complete list of ‘What’s new in SuperNova v13.51?’

To: learn more about SuperNova for every visual impairment, try out a free demo or meet people using Supernova at: home, school and work visit the SuperNova area of the Dolphin website.

Listen to Dolphin’s podcast, ‘Windows 8 Essentials with SuperNova v13.50’ presented by Maggie McCarthy, Training Manager at Dolphin.
Watch Dolphin’s video: SuperNova for Windows 8.

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