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New SuperNova 14 Reads More than Ever for People with any Visual Impairment


Wednesday, 28 May


Mark Rosser





Worcester, UK, May 2014; SuperNova 14, immediately available, dramatically expands reading opportunities for a wide range of blind and partially sighted people. Thousands of books, hardcopy print documents and tricky PDFs are made accessible with magnification, speech and Braille. SuperNova 14 also introduces the most straight forward touch screen access to the latest Windows tablets and laptops for low vision users who rely on magnification.

Richard Orme, Dolphin’s Director of Innovation, who joined the company from RNIB in 2013, says: “For decades Dolphin’s screen access and alt format solutions have provided life changing opportunities for people who are blind or low vision throughout their education and professional careers. Now, Dolphin is partnering with leading providers of accessible content to boost access to books for millions of people who are blind, visually impaired and print-disabled.”

Blind and partially sighted people can conveniently browse and search best sellers, classics and periodicals directly from the new Bookshelf tab within the SuperNova 14 Control Panel. Content from Bookshare® and other trusted library partners is made instantly accessible with magnification, speech and Braille. If you need to take books with you, SuperNova 14 can transfer titles to portable MP3 and DAISY players for reading on the go. You can also stay informed and entertained with SuperNova 14’s convenient access to popular selections of internet radio stations, podcasts and news feeds.

Whether sorting through an overflowing in-tray or revising for an exam, SuperNova 14 integrates scan and read for printed hardcopy documents and inaccessible PDFs – traditionally requiring dedicated 3rd-party tools. SuperNova 14 recognises text printed in over one hundred languages, and scanned text can be opened in Microsoft Word for easy editing.

People with low vision can easily access tablets and touch screen laptops from leading manufacturers like Dell. Only one finger is needed to pan SuperNova’s magnifier around documents and apps; Pinch and stretch with two fingers to change the amount of magnification in any app; tap with three fingers to change colours and find more magnifier options. When you need to type on screen, SuperNova 14 displays a high contrast large print keyboard that is easy to see.

Find out more:

Watch Dolphin’s series of short Learn SuperNova 14 videos before taking a free 30-day trial.
Read a complete list of What’s New in SuperNova 14

Customers with an existing Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) will receive SuperNova 14 without any additional charge. If you do not have an SMA, or would like to discuss your options for upgrading from an earlier version of SuperNova, call Dolphin or your dealer to receive a personalised quote.

– END-


Accessible books are available in all SuperNova editions.
Scan and Read is available in SuperNova: Reader Magnifier, Screen Reader and Access Suite.
Touch Screen Magnification is available in SuperNova: Magnifier, Reader Magnifier and Access Suite.

Bookshare® is an online library of accessible digital books for people with print disabilities with over 225,000 titles. Membership is free for U.S. students with qualified print disabilities and schools. Non-students pay a low annual fee.

Dolphin delivers independence for people with vision and print impairments by developing and supporting a range of innovative assistive technology tools.

UK Media Contact: Dave Williams

+44 1905 754577