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ICT CPD days for primary SENCos this term


Tuesday, 17 September


Mark Rosser





Education software specialist Crick Software has announced that it will be sponsoring a number of ICT-related CPD sessions aimed at primary school SENCos this term.

Entitled ‘Special Educational Needs and ICT – CPD for Primary SENCos’, these whole-day events will enable SENCos to pick up valuable hints and tips on using ICT to support pupils with special educational needs and provide an opportunity to network with other SENCos in the area.

The day will consist of talks from passionate education speakers including former SENCo and Ofsted Inspector Dr Linda Evans, who will discuss how to use Pupil Premium funding to invest in effective technology, School Improvement Advisor Carol Allen, who will explore the hot topic of learning with iPads, CENMAC’s Kevin Lynch, who will advise on accessibility options for pupils with physical difficulties, and Northampton University’s Senior ITT Lecturer Helen Caldwell, who will be sharing her ideas for using technology to support struggling / reluctant writers.

Crick Software founders John and Ann Crick will also be speaking about the vital role of technology in the inclusive classroom, with reference to their highly acclaimed literacy support tool Clicker 6, winner of the Bett 2013 ICT Special Educational Needs Solutions Award.

The events will be taking place in November at the Hilton Euston in London on Thursday 7th, and the Jurys Inn Birmingham on Thursday 21st. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Places are limited and priced at £50 per delegate – group and early bird discounts are available.

For further information and details of how to book a place, please contact Crick Software on 01604 671691, email or visit the Crick Software website.

More Information: Siobhan Percival at Crick Software