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Crick Software celebrates 20 years with special discounts for Clicker customers


Friday, 28 June


Mark Rosser




Education software specialist Crick Software is celebrating its 20 year anniversary by offering UK and US users of its award-winning literacy tool Clicker the chance to purchase Clicker curriculum resources at a substantial 40% discount.

In 1993 Crick Software founders John and Ann Crick created the very first version of Clicker in their home office; since then the company has won a total of 11 Bett Awards and its products are helping children in over 50 countries around the world to improve their reading and writing skills.

To celebrate this 20 year milestone, Crick Software is offering customers the opportunity to buy its acclaimed ‘Powered by Clicker’ titles at a 40% discount this term. Each resource harnesses the power of Clicker (5 or 6) to develop pupils’ knowledge and skills in a particular curriculum area. Available resources include the popular Clicker Phonics, Oxford Reading Tree for Clicker, Find Out & Write About, Clicker MFL: French, Clicker Tales and New to English series.

“This has been a fantastic year for Crick Software; not only are we celebrating our 20th anniversary, but we have won a number of prestigious awards and released our very first literacy apps for the iPad” says CEO John Crick. “Our curriculum resources harness the power of Clicker to support students in particular areas, whether this be learning a new language, building phonics skills or developing understanding of historical events. We are delighted to extend these very special offers to all our UK and US Clicker customers this term”.

To find out more about Crick’s 20 year discounts visit or contact the team on 01604 671691.

Further Information: Siobhan Percival at Crick Software