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Capita SIMS launches new service to help schools go from good to great


Monday, 6 January


Mark Rosser





Capita SIMS will be on stand B260 at Bett 2014 to unveil the SIMS School Improvement Programme. The new consultancy service will help school leaders answer the question, ‘How can I change my school?’ and drive fundamental improvements in teaching and learning.

Phil Neal, managing director of Capita SIMS, says: “All headteachers know what needs to improve in their school. But sometimes there can be a gap between understanding what needs to improve, and identifying exactly where you can make the small changes that will add up to an overall improvement in behaviour, achievement or teaching quality.

“The SIMS School Improvement Programme shows school leaders how they can use their management information system (MIS) to reveal where underperformance is occurring so that strategies can be implemented to address it. This process has been shown to lead to far reaching improvements in the school.”

Staffed by many former senior school leaders, the SIMS School Improvement Programme is aimed at supporting schools in developing a more strategic use of their MIS to assist with understanding the key improvement priorities, measuring the impact of intervention strategies, providing regular information to governors and being able to efficiently provide information during an Ofsted inspection.

By looking at the data held within their MIS they can, for example, see whether pupils eligible for Pupil Premium make similar progress to other pupils in the school or identify the progress of the most able by subject. Having access to this information allows senior leaders to make decisions that will move a school closer to its overall improvement goals.

The Helena Romanes School is using the SIMS School Improvement Programme. Neal Foster, the school’s assistant headteacher, explains why: “We were recently awarded a ‘good’ rating by Ofsted. But for us, good was simply not good enough. We want to use the information within our MIS to help us on our journey to outstanding.

“The SIMS School Improvement Programme will help provide teachers with instantaneous access to their students’ strengths and weaknesses so they can create lesson plans that meet the learning needs of a whole class to help raise achievement. For our senior leadership team, having a pool of student performance data will enable us to pinpoint exactly where further improvements need to be made – whether that is at the individual, group or school level.”

Phil Neal, managing director of Capita SIMS, continues: “Today, the success of an Ofsted inspection hinges on the ability to provide evidence of the progress that has been made. Senior leadership teams need to be able to understand their data to see where more progress is required and identify what is holding students and staff back from improving further. This programme will help them do that.”

For more information, visit or call 01234 838 080.


Ref: CAP1110

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About Capita SIMS:

Capita SIMS is the leading supplier of information systems to the education sector, providing a range of software and services to schools and local authorities to help raise standards and reduce administration. Capita’s SIMS is the most popular management information system for schools and is used every day by more than 22,000 educational establishments in the UK.


Twitter: @CapitaSIMS