BESA announces partnership with FED
Tuesday, 29 June
Julia Garvey
We are delighted to announce we are working with the Foundation for Education Development to help provide supplier insights and views about what a long-term vision and plan for education in this country might look like.
The FED is dedicated to promoting a long-term vision and plan for education in England. In the spirit of partnership, they provide an independent and neutral space for policy influencers from education, business, politics and beyond to shape the future.
They believe that only through long-term planning, can we fully empower future generations and unlock the country’s potential. Together we can build a world-leading education system across the country for our children and young people.
Full details at www.fed.education
The FED National Education Consultation Report with data captured from the FED Summit and the FED events over the past 14 months was published on 26th April 2021. The full report can be seen here and you can view the cross-party launch event here
The Report provides a qualitative review of the next steps that need to be taken to produce a strong foundational base for our education system, so that over the next decade it can go from ‘good to great’ for our children, young people, and life-long learners. It also outlines the 4 workstreams being addressed by the FED over the next year to support this journey.
FED Workstream 1: Develop a vision, purpose and objectives for a 10-year plan for the English Education system.
FED Workstream 2: Structures to develop and govern a 10- year education plan which include the development of system architecture that delivers for intelligent, sustainable long-term education policy and planning.
FED Workstream 3: Identifying different approaches to levelling up educational outcomes and place-based approaches to generate and sustain excellence in educational outcomes
FED Workstream 4: Identifying the most effective frameworks for embedding equity and inclusion in our education system and developing culture, systems and practice to ensure that everyone can succeed.