B Squared to demonstrate Autism Progress and Evisense at TES SEN Show
Friday, 6 October
Mark Rosser
- Assess the impact of an individual’s autism with Autism Progress and use this profiling tool to access targeted support strategies – it’s already being used by more than 400 UK settings!
- Create a portfolio of an individual’s educational journey using the Evisense evidence management platform – sign up for a FREE 3-month trial on Stand 279 at the Show.
- Find out about Engagement Steps – the newest Connecting Steps assessment framework for children who have PMLD, SLD, or CLDD.
- Discuss the implications of the Rochford Review.
At TES SEN Show this year, delegates visiting the B Squared stand (279) will be able to see demonstrations of both its autism profiling tool, Autism Progress, and its evidence management platform, Evisense. B Squared team members will also be available to discuss the Rochford Review and its implications for settings working with individuals with SEND, as well as explain its newest assessment framework Engagement Steps – designed to help teachers identify and record the ongoing achievements of pupils who are not engaged in subject specific learning.
Autism Progress – assess the impact of an individual’s Autism
Already in use by over 400 settings in the UK, Autism Progress is an observational assessment framework designed to help members of staff to support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It has been created to give education and care professionals a universal language to describe, discuss and address the unique challenges faced by individuals with autism. This new profiling tool is designed for use across a wide range of settings and disciplines – from the classroom to residential and adult care – each of which have very different needs. It has been developed by B Squared, in collaboration with experts from three leading charities – Autism Wessex, Scottish Autism and the North East Autism Society. Experienced Special Educational Needs teachers, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists have also helped to develop and finalise its content.
Autism Progress aims to give the most detailed current picture of an individual’s capabilities. People can be profiled from birth to early adulthood. While each person with autism is unique, the difficulties faced can be divided into four key developmental areas, all of which are included in Autism Progress: Communication; Social Interaction; Flexibility of Thought; and Emotional Regulation.
Phil Baker, Head of Education, Hope House School, Nottinghamshire, said “This profiling tool is both relevant and useful for the assessment of individuals with autism. The support strategies it recommends provide a solid foundation for individual students’ development.”
Evisense – evidence for learning made easy
B Squared’s evidence management platform has been designed to provide teachers with a simple and straightforward way to manage evidence of learning. Evisense enables settings to collect photos, videos, audio and documents to create a portfolio of an individual’s educational journey. Accessible via multiple platforms – Android, iOS, Amazon Fire apps and web browser – teaching staff can easily and quickly share recorded evidence with parents, giving them a clear insight into their child’s progress, helping to increase parents’ involvement in their children’s education. In terms of security and safeguarding, Evisense offers unsurpassed safety features, including encryption of all media files and immediate removal from mobile devices on successful upload. Device security, audit trails and child protection lists are also employed.
Lisa Galfredi, Class Teacher, Redburn School, North Lanakshire, said “Within our Special School, Evisense is enabling us to securely manage a full range of learning evidence. Evisense benefits us hugely as the vast majority of our pupils cannot complete a worksheet or do other ‘typical’ standard forms of assessment. Our main way of recording assessment of pupils is using photos or videos to show the pupil participating in a learning task. Evisense enables us to store, filter and use these to show achievement and progress in a relevant and meaningful way. It also lets us share photos/videos with parents in a consistent and user friendly way.”
Delegates can sign up for a FREE 3-month trial of Evisense on the B Squared stand at the Show.
Connecting Steps – new assessment framework for children who have PMLD, SLD or CLDD
B Squared’s Connecting Steps V4 hosted assessment software enables schools to detect even the smallest of improvements. It can be used to track progress across: EYFS, P Levels, all National Curriculum subjects within Primary education, Welsh Foundation and KS2 curriculums, and the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
The Company’s education team, all of whom are experienced teaching staff, have recently devised an assessment framework for children who have PMLD, SLD, or CLDD. Engagement Steps has been designed to enable teachers to identify and record the ongoing achievements of pupils who are working profoundly beneath age-related expectations.
For more information on Autism Progress, Evisense or Connecting Steps, please visit B Squared’s stand 279.
Alternatively, contact our Sales team on 01252 870133 or visit our websites www.bsquared.co.uk, www.autismprogress.org and www.evisense.com