


Second Edition of the UK Education landscape report

The second edition of Green Shoots’ Education Landscape report has been published summarising the macro and micro trends affecting the...
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Secondary Focus Group September 2013

BESA held a focus group for Secondary head teachers on September 27th 2013. The head teachers represented schools from across the country ranging in size from 1200-1500 and provided education for pupils aged 11-18. More than half of the schools represented were academies and during the course of the focus group it became apparent that … Continued

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Secondary Heads Focus Group (December 2014)

This focus group summary addresses questions to secondary headteachers of differing circumstance 2014. It covers topics such as Quality of educational Suppliers – do they deliver the service you need and is purchasing a positive industry or frustrating? And How do the schools find out about Suppliers?

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Secondary league tables 2014

The School and College Performance Tables have been published. They provide information on the achievements of schools and colleges in England, and the attainment and progress of the pupils and students who reached the end of key stage 4 and 16-18 studies in the 2013/14 academic year.

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SEND pathfinder evaluations

In March 2011 the Government published its green paper on special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) provisioning. The green paper proposed a multi-agency, holistic approach to SEND leading to: a) Introduction of a new single assessment process from birth to age 25 b) A new education, health and care (EHC) plan c) Personal budgets for … Continued

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Showcasing CREATE Education Project at BETT 2018

Last week, CREATE Education attended the BETT show alongside our technology partner Ultimaker with a shortlisting in the BETT award...
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Shrewsbury School eager to get all pupils touch typing

People often think of touch typing as an old fashioned skill, but it is making a comeback in many independent...
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Shrewsbury school win the first KAZ Touch typing tournament

Learning to touch type can sometimes be considered a bit of a chore but the launch of KAZ’s very first...
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Smarter Interactive Announces Merger with Exceedia

Smarter Interactive is pleased to announce that as a part of its ongoing growth and positioning as one of the...
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Special Needs Resourcing in Schools 2011

This document provides an analysis of a questionnaire issued to English maintained primary and secondary schools in June and July 2011. The report reviews special needs resourcing with responses from special needs (SEN) teachers and coordinators (and similar titles) across a wide spectrum of establishments in England. 

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