


Assessment in Primary Schools 2014

The current National Curriculum levels system has been in place since 1995. The system provided a base for both formative and summative purposes including endof-key-stage tests. These eight levels (covering the criteria students) are being abolished and will not be replaced. This review focuses on what schools are likely to do in this new environment … Continued

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Assessment in Primary Schools 2016

Along with some new questions, the latest assessment research updates the findings identified in March 2015 research. The review continues to focus on what schools are likely to do in the new assessment environment, to ensure that pupils continue to be assessed, monitored and tracked.

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Assessment in Secondary Schools 2014

The current National Curriculum levels system has been in place since 1995. The system provided a base for both formative and summative purposes including endof-key-stage tests. These eight levels (covering the criteria students) are being abolished and will not be replaced. This review focuses on what schools are likely to do in this new environment … Continued

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Assessment in Secondary Schools 2016

Along with some new questions, the latest assessment research updates the findings identified in March 2015 research. The review continues to focus on what schools are likely to do in the new assessment environment, to ensure that pupils continue to be assessed, monitored and tracked.

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Autumn 2023 Compass Report plus SEND Supplement

The BESA Compass Report is an essential tool for those working in the education sector providing key insights to help you understand what’s actually going on in the sector.   This term, we have included additional survey work on the provision of SEND in the UK. The report contains some revealing findings including:  More than 1 … Continued

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Autumn Statement 2013

The Autumn Statement 2013 is fiscally neutral despite the improvement in public finances. This is in line with the Government’s original plan as ‘with the deficit and debt still at unsustainable levels, deviating from that plan now would be the biggest risk to recovery’. This document has been compiled by Ranelagh International Ltd. to summarise the … Continued

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Autumn Statement 2022

Economic and Fiscal Forecast The Office for Budget Responsibility judges the UK to be in recession, meaning the economy has slowed for two quarters in a row It predicts growth for this year overall of 4.2%, but the size of the economy will shrink by 1.4% in 2023 Economic growth will be 1.3% in 2024, … Continued

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Axle Education – Ensuring that learners take ownership of their learning [#BettFuturesTakeover]

At Axle Education, we have established a unique system which empowers learners to take ownership of their learning. It is called DPR, the Dynamic Progress Reporting. Our team is composed of professionals who lead in the education industry, including serving senior leaders, with proven track records in raising standards. Our solutions are therefore born from … Continued

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Barometer report 2012 Q3

BESA’s barometer report is run every quarter, and along with feedback from members, it is combined with the views of headteachers to help the industry track market activity.

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Barometer report 2013 Q2

BESA’s barometer report is run every quarter, and along with feedback from members, it is combined with the views of headteachers to help the industry track market activity.

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