


Policy Update 11.09.20

At the initiative of the former Secretary of State for Education, Damian Hinds, MPs and Peers held the first inaugural of a new All-Party Parliamentary Grouping for Education Technology (ā€˜EdTechā€™). The cross-party grouping, whose membership includes among others Chris Skidmore MP, Lord David Willetts, Lord Jim Knight, Baroness Estelle Morris, Christian Wakeford MP and Conor Burns MP, will hear evidence and publish findings on four workstreams over the coming year.

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Policy Update 13.11.20

As France and Germany consider school closures, new data suggests that the costs of following suit in England may prove too prohibitive Last weekā€™s Policy Briefing opened with a reference to a study hot out of the oven from researchers at the University of Edinburgh. Published in The Lancet ā€“ the medical journal that has … Continued

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Policy Update 15.05.20

Additional funding, not manpower, is key to amending learning deficit For every month that schools remain closed, a ā€œcatch-upā€ premium of Ā£1,350 per pupil in additional funding will be required to get students back on track. If we already knew that the economic effects of school closures are stark ā€“ the burden of lost teaching … Continued

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Policy Update 24.04.20

June target date for re-opening of Nurseries and Schools A week ago on Wednesday, Michael Gove and Gavin Williamson presented plans to the Cabinet for schools to re-open on Monday the 11th of May. In a briefing document circulated to colleagues they warned that, according to data from the Office of National Statistics, 60% of … Continued

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Political Party Election Manifestos 2017

With all three main political parties publishing their general election manifestos last week, we have seen this week Plaid Cymru and Green Party publish their manifestos.

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Post-16 Resourcing in Schools & Sixth Form Colleges 2015

C3 Education undertook a BESA-commissioned project to review post-16 resourcing in schools, with particular reference to any differences between maintained schools in England and those that are now designated as academies. This report is the first project to be undertaken on this topic.

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Post-pandemic wellbeing worsening faster for girls than boys

Research by Edurio reveals stark data on pupil wellbeing in English schools. Highlighting views from 184,000 pupils collected over three...
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Preparing for ‘No Deal’: What measures should Educational Suppliers take?

In default of a political resolution, the UK will by operation of law cease to be a member of the European Union at 11pm GMT on the 31 October 2019. This will see the UK exit both the EU Single Market and Customs Union as well as arrangements, pacts and treaties whose subject-matter range from the free movement of goods to the import of chemicals and foodstuffs.

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Press release: BESA launches new ā€˜support for allā€™ website 2011

The British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) announces the launch of its new, comprehensive website 2011.

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Press Release: BESA publishes procurement in schools research 2012

Schools are using their newly found freedom to adopt cost saving procurement practices, recent research has revealed. The headline finding of the 2012 survey of 630 schools (325 primary, 305 secondary) conducted in August of this year by the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) was that schools are using a range of procurement practices including … Continued

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