


Bridget Phillipson Policy Announcement

As we enter the general election year, senior members of the Shadow Cabinet have begun setting out their stalls for what their key messages will be to voters ahead of an election which, if polls are correct, will be a landslide win for the Labour party. This commenced with a speech from Kier Starmer at … Continued

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Bridging the Attainment Gap through Tutoring – with Eximus Education

Join fellow teachers, senior leaders, headteachers, and subject heads from across the UK as we explore practical advice and strategies...
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Briefing Note on the Comprehensive Spending Review 2015-2020

This briefing note contains the highlights of 2015 Government projected spending review including Education, business and science, export and inward investment, and Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish headlines.

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British education awards recognise leading initiatives

The British International School Awards took place last night (Monday 22nd January 2018) in London. Headteachers and senior leaders from...
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Budget Briefing 2024

Next week the Chancellor will present his Budget to the House of Commons. With the financial outlook looking bleaker than was predicted at the time of the Autumn Statement, it looks unlikely that the Chancellor will have much headroom to radically change Governments income or expenditure, something which he would have been hoping for given … Continued

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Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet Biographies

Keir Starmer – Prime Minister Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was born on September 2, 1962, in Southwark, London. He grew up in Surrey, the son of Rodney Starmer, a toolmaker, and Josephine Starmer, a nurse. Named after the first parliamentary leader of the Labour Party, J. Keir Hardie, Starmer attended Reigate Grammar School. He was … Continued

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Caroline Wright listed in Top 5 EdTech influencers

Yesterday, the TyTo Tech 500 Power List was released and we’re delighted to announce that that BESA’s Director General, Caroline...
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Classroom Learning Resources 2015 – Assessment in Primary Schools

The latest assessment in schools research updates the findings identified in March 2014 research. The update provides an opportunity to review the frequent changes that are impacting the assessment practices across English schools. This review focuses on what schools are likely to do in this new environment to ensure that pupils continue to be assessed, … Continued

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Classroom Learning Resources 2015 – Assessment in Secondary Schools

The latest assessment in schools research updates the findings identified in March 2014 research. The update provides an opportunity to review the frequent changes that are impacting the assessment practices across English schools. This document covers secondary schools and focuses on GCSE performance measurements and how these are likely to impact CPD and training.

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Classroom Learning Resources in English Schools 2012

C3 Education undertook a BESA-commissioned project to review issues relating to the provision and use of classroom learning resources in schools, with particular reference to any differences between maintained schools in England and those that are now designated as academies.

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