1. Members of the Group must be full or associate members of BESA and UK based organisations whose primary activities are the publishing of software for education, and the manufacture or distribution of hardware and peripherals to the UK education market.
2. The Group is known as the ‘Export Special Interest Group’ (EXPORT SIG) of BESA.
3. The Group should have two or three meetings a year, unless the Group wants more.
4. Any member of BESA may make an application to the BESA secretariat to join the Group.
5. The Chair of the Group (or a representative nominated by the Group from amongst its members) will be co-opted to membership of the Executive Council of BESA. The Chair of BESA is, ex officio, a member of the Group and is entitled to attend its meetings.
6. The Group is entitled to call meetings which will be serviced by the BESA secretariat. Any abnormal costs may have to be charged, as decided by the Executive Council.
7. Member companies need to attend a minimum of two meeting per year. If the minimum requirement is not met, the company may be asked to leave the Group and will have to reapply for membership.
8. When attending a meeting, members need to be ready to contribute to all areas of meeting unless not relevant.
9. When attending a meeting, members need to be ready to interact to the polls, Q&A’s and have their camera turned on.
10. When attending a meeting, members need to ensure that they are in a suitable location without distractions.
11. Copies of the minutes of the proceedings of the Group will be submitted to the Executive Council.
12. In the event of the Group deciding to undertake a course of action leading to or becoming liable to any costs or expenditure over and above the provision expressed in paragraph 5) above, or as determined by the Executive Council, such expenditure shall be borne by members of the Group.
13. In the event of the Group wishing BESA to undertake a course of action on its behalf such proposed action shall first be approved by the Executive Council.
14. A Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected each year at the Group’s first meeting following the BESA Annual General Meeting. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be serve for one year, subject to re-election for a second year, two years being the maximum period of continuous service in one office. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be from separate member companies.
15. The Chairman of the Group has the responsibility of organising a guest for each meeting, this responsibility is not for members of the group.
16. These provisions will come into effect immediately after approval by the Executive Council which must also approve any future proposals for change.
17. Based on one vote per member, decisions taken at a Group meeting will be simple majority with the Chair having a casting vote.
18. While the Group maintains its own bank account it will elect a Treasurer each year at the Group’s first meeting following the BESA AGM. The purpose of the account is to fund agreed Group activities including the reasonable expenses of officers of the Group as agreed from time to time by the Group. A financial statement will be presented by the Treasurer at each Group meeting. Financial liability may not by incurred which exceeds the assets of the account.
19. Export Special Interest Group member individual responsibilities include:
constructively challenging and contributing to the development of the group’s common goals and structures; and
ensuring the group acts in the best interests of the association and other stakeholders and is fully accountable for the services provided.
20. The chair will hold the DG (as company secretary) to account in ensuring that Export members are provided with accurate and clear information, as well as facilitating effective contributions from council members to the secretariat.
21. Members of the group consent to data sharing between BESA and the Chair/Vice-Chair of the group in line with BESA’s Privacy Policy.