We speak for a
£multi-billion sector.
We’re the only association covering the entirety of the UK educational suppliers’ sector, representing close to 400 member companies. Speaking for the industry means listening closely to our members’ needs and concerns. Join us and you’ll become part of a close, responsive community that benefits from shared opportunities, insights and contacts.

We are here for our members
As a BESA member, you’ll gain trusted supplier status, discounts on major exhibitions, plus a host of business benefits, including:

Interested in procurement in multi-academy trusts? Looking for the latest trends in EdTech? With BESA, you can draw on over 20 research reports a year.

The education landscape is ever-changing. That’s why we communicate frequent – often weekly – round-ups of policy news, debates and initiatives.

Export support
We represent UK education suppliers – but our outlook and network is global. We’ll help you maximise your international potential, whether you’re just starting to trade outside the UK, or are an experienced exporter.

Events and networking
We curate and support some of the leading annual and one-off events in our industry. The ideas, contacts and expertise they generate help keep our members ahead.

We offer members a wide range of discounts on products and services in diverse sectors. Like many of our members, you may well find these alone cover the cost of membership.

Special interest groups
With BESA, you’re never alone. We bring together members with common interests to share ideas, information and challenges. Minds are opened, connections formed, progress made.

Looking for best practice when selling to schools? Interested in understanding the state of education in the Devolved Nations? Our digital and offline training covers the subjects that count for members.

Recognition and awards
The BESA Awards celebrate the achievements and impact of UK educational suppliers. See how we recognise best practice, whether by a start-up or an industry leader.
Current members
Our membership spans any business supplying to schools, including books, equipment, materials, hardware, EdTech, consumables, furniture, support services, assessment providers and more. With members in each of those areas, we represent the entire spectrum of the sector. Importantly, whatever our members’ focus, they sign up to the quality and integrity standards in our Code of Practice, bringing schools invaluable peace of mind.
We help our members launch and grow
Full membership
BESA membership wins trust – and opens doors. But the assurance BESA membership brings educators reflects the high standards of suppliers and the rigorous joining criteria we look for. To see what you need to become a member and how the process works, apply for membership.
What’s included

Supply the education market for a minimum of two years
Be able to demonstrate financial stability
Comply with the BESA Code of Practice
Have a UK base and be either a UK registered company or firm based solely in the UK
Be subject to normal trading arrangements and commercial in outlook and operations
Getting established in the educational suppliers sector can be challenging. We developed our Launchpad service to support UK-incorporated start-ups and SMEs across the sector. As such, you’ll have access to exceptional training, weekly insights, policy updates and networking events. See what you need to gain a place in the community.
What’s included

Your company has recently started to supply or intend to supply the education market
Fulfil BESA’s membership criteria excepting the two-year criterion and being able to demonstrate financial stability
You agree to abide by the BESA Code of Practice
You own, or work for, a UK registered company
Your company isn’t a subsidiary of a parent-company that would be eligible for full membership
International service
We support many international companies targeting the UK education sector. As well as making client introductions, we identify possible partners. We can also provide you with research, give you access to events and trade shows, and supply links to government resources, consultancies and investment providers. For many international suppliers, BESA opens all the potential of UK education.
We help create success stories

We are influencers and innovators
BESA is the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Groups for Education, working across the political spectrum, partnering with government departments and public bodies. We use this influence to shape the conversations around education policy and resourcing and keep ahead of changes. A forward-thinking approach that’s also reflected in the lead we took to launch the Bett Show, Education World Forum and EdTech Exchange amongst other industry initiatives.
Join the community
Whether you’re joining us as a Full Member or subscribing to the Launchpad programme, your business will need to meet our membership criteria and sign up to our Code of Practice. Take the next step and see what is involved in this commitment.