
Connections are the new currency – networking for success

24 October 2024

Unlock the secrets to effortless networking and build stronger business relationships with our expert-led session!


11am - 12pm


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Free for BESA members

Unlock the secrets to effortless networking and build stronger business relationships with our expert-led session!


Entering a room full of strangers can feel daunting at the best of times. The thought of then navigating that room in order to make new contacts and spot future business opportunities can send some people into a cold sweat – and yet others make it look so easy. What’s their secret?

Join us for an engaging discussion that explores the ways our expert speakers network. Learn how they successfully navigate crowded rooms and engage online to build and strengthen new business relationships.


Session Highlights

Key Questions Answered:
  • What’s the secret to getting a complete stranger to want to talk to you for more than 30 seconds when there’s a room full of acquaintances all vying for their attention?
  • How do you join a huddled conversation that’s already in full swing?
  • What do you do when you’ve forgotten the name of the person you’re about to introduce to a colleague?
  • What approaches are successful in building online networks?
  • What are the dos and don’ts of successful networking – in person?
  • What are your top tips when organising a networking event?
  • When and why to say no to a possible connection?

What to expect?

Dawn Hallybone will share practical insights and personal anecdotes, providing you with actionable strategies to enhance your networking skills. You’ll learn:

  • Techniques to Approach and Engage: Discover the secrets to making a memorable first impression and sustaining meaningful conversations.
  • Navigating Conversations: Tips for smoothly joining ongoing discussions and making introductions, even when you’ve forgotten a name.
  • Building Online Networks: Effective methods for establishing and nurturing professional relationships in the digital space.
  • Do's and Don’ts of Networking: Best practices for in-person networking, including what to avoid.
  • Organising Networking Events: Expert advice on planning and executing successful networking events.
  • Evaluating Connections: Understand when and why it’s beneficial to say no to certain connections.

Join Us

Don’t miss this opportunity to refine your networking skills and build stronger business relationships. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to networking, this session offers valuable insights that can help you connect with confidence.


Dawn Hallybone is CSO at 2Simple and works across multiple teams, helping schools maximise the benefits of online technologies to advance approaches to both teaching and learning. Offering strategic advice and educational insight to ensure content and messaging that’s produced is what the sector needs in order to provide their learners with the best possible resources. 

Dawn comes from a Teaching background, working in schools for 24 years holding leadership positions as well as acting as an associate consultant or Computing. She has also worked with multiple start ups and SMEs advising them on selling and marketing to schools. 


If you have any questions, please email eventsteam@besa.org.uk. 

About BESA.