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Focus Group: Summer Compass Report



Thursday, 3 July 11:00am - 12:00pm




Free for BESA Members

We are thrilled to present the highly anticipated Summer Term Compass Research 2025.

Each term we release our latest Compass Report offering insights into school spending and budget priorities. This focus group explored the findings of this terms’ report, joined by a teacher who took part in the research, providing further insight and the opportunity for you to seek clarification on those issues that are important to you.

Guest Speaker:

Jason Gould, Managing Director of The Education Company

Jason co-founded The Education Company, an organisation that has been supporting education suppliers for over 30 years. The Education Company also provides data management, marketing, CRM and website solutions for many of the UK’s leading education suppliers. Jason and his team have worked with BESA to design the Selling to Schools event. They have been supporting BESA members for over 30 years and have worked with BESA on many high-profile insight projects and training events. 

As with all research that BESA produces, this report is exclusively for BESA members and Launchpad companies and should not be shared with non-BESA member companies or a wider audience.

To ask any questions, please email 

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