Saving time and increase learning with AB Tutor
Thursday, 20 August
Kheir Diram
Having AB Tutor installed in the ICT suite, managing classes of 30 students, ranging in age from reception and infant to KS6, Wraysbury Primary School have benefited from the powerful features and control software from AB Tutor.
Identified a need for further control …
The decision to purchase AB Tutor was initially based on an identified need for further control of the classroom and to help the students stay focused in lessons. As teachers became familiar with the software, additional benefits became apparent. As well as allowing teachers to gain control of the class by initiating AB Tutor’s lock down features, teachers can also use the software to launch programs simultaneously on all 30 computers. This feature is particularly relevant when launching web browsers with complex URLs in an infant class, eliminating the hassle of entering the URL in to each computer individually and ensuring that the students do not get distracted by lengthy delays. The remote log on and shut down features incorporated within AB Tutor also save considerable time at the beginning and end of the lessons. Automatic shut down can also be scheduled and ensures that energy is saved, lowering the school’s utility costs.
Wraysbury Primary also use AB Tutor’s thumbnail view, projected on to an interactive white board, to allow the teacher to continue monitoring the class whilst assisting students who require one-on-one support. This method also allows the teacher to recognise when a student is struggling, but is too timid to ask for help.
Exhibiting the children’s work…
Teachers use the interactive white board to demonstrate exceptional student work to the rest of the class. “With AB Tutor the students don’t have to huddle around one computer screen to be demonstrated work. The children love to see their work displayed. They positively glow with pride when their work is shown as a good example to the class.”
“Overall, AB tutor allows for easy class management. At a glance, I am able to spot those who are struggling. I now have the confidence to help them, knowing I can easily keep an eye on the rest of the class.”