Congratulations to Shrewsbury school winners of the KAZ Touch typing tournament 2020
Thursday, 20 August
Anthony Keene Braganza
Learning to touch type can sometimes be considered a bit of a chore but the launch of KAZ’s very first touch typing tournament earlier this year created a whirl of excitement amongst schools across the world. Not only did it encourage pupils to learn the skill but it also brought out their competitive spirit.
After fluctuations in leadership over the school term, we are delighted to announce that Mew Hansiriphan of Shrewsbury School has been crowned champion, with a score of 65 WPM and 89% accuracy.
Shrewsbury School is one of the UK’s leading co-educational day and boarding schools for pupils aged 13-18. Founded in 1552 by the Royal Charter of King Edward VI, Shrewsbury was identified as one of the ‘Great’ public schools by the Clarendon Commission 1868.
“Although the school is steeped in history and heritage, we always look to innovate and evolve the pupil experience,” says Headmaster, Leo Winkley.
“Our distinctive model of whole-person education offers deep learning in a challenging yet kind environment. Academic excellence is achieved through a wide-ranging curriculum that uncovers and encourages a genuine love of learning, alongside inspirational teaching that challenges each pupil to strive for her or his own personal best.
We believe that school should be ‘serious fun’: because learning and enjoyment go hand in hand. Learning takes place not only in the classroom but also through a vibrant and demanding co-curricular programme and in the pastoral and communal life of the School.
Touch-typing is one of the activities on offer to all pupils at Shrewsbury as part of the school’s co-curricular Societies programme. It is very popular among pupils and is championed enthusiastically by teacher Karen Mitchell, Head of Learning Support.”
“Touch-typing is a valuable life-skill that not only supports pupils’ academic studies at school but also their future career paths.
As your typing skills improve, you save time, you can focus on the text on the monitor rather than on the keypad, and it improves your accuracy. Learning to touch-type properly also has health benefits, as it ensures you sit correctly at your computer, which is good for your spine, increases your productivity and unleashes the potential of your brain.
Our pupils very much enjoyed the challenge of taking part in the KAZ Worldwide Touch-Typing Tournament and we were thrilled to be told that the competition had been won by one of our Fifth Formers (Year 10s), Mew Hansiriphan. Mew worked extremely hard at improving his typing speed and accuracy and he is to be warmly congratulated for his achievement.”
“Mew is a top academic student, excelling in many of his subjects, but especially in Science and Maths,” says his Housemaster, Henry Exham. “He is also a keen rower, representing the school at a high level, and is a highly motivated student who gets the most out of everything he does. He has a great attitude and work ethic – as his fantastic success in the KAZ Touch-Typing Tournament clearly demonstrates.”
The KAZ team would like to congratulate Shrewsbury School and in particular Mew on his fantastic achievement in this, our maiden touch typing tournament. Very well done! We hope you enjoy showing off your champion’s’ trophy. Additionally, congratulations on winning your complimentary ‘City & Guilds’ and annual school licence.
We would also like to thank all the schools who took part. A very special mention to ESMS schools in Edinburgh, whose students took 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
Lastly, thank you to all students who competed. We really hope your typing skills help you through education and in your future careers.
Remember, the difference between 40WPM and 100+WPM is just practice!