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Blue Gate Fields Juniors DfE Digital Learning Platform


Thursday, 20 August





Blue Gate Fields Juniors school needed a digital learning platform to support remote teaching and pupils learning. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the school was unable to commit the time to implement a platform in such a short time frame. When the DfE notified all England schools of funding for implement a digital learning platform Blue Gate Fields Juniors selected G Suite for Education and Levett Consultancy as their choice.

The Delivery

Levett Consultancy engaged with the senior leadership and school technician over video chat to outline the delivery process. The process of deploying G Suite for Education was a very quick and efficient undertaken remotely during the difficult lockdown period. Each step of the G Suite for Education set-up and deployment was clearly signposted by Levett Consultancy Google deployment team. They worked closely with the school IT technician to ensure a seamless handover of services to Blue Gate Fields Juniors school, which included a helpful handover document, training video call and follow up training to ensure all staff are confident using G Suite for Education.

The Outcome

The deployment of the DfE funded platform will better enable Blue Gate Fields Juniors school to deploy lessons and activities to pupils working remotely, for homework and class-based projects across the curriculum.

The follow up training helped give us a better insight and understanding of how to use G-Suite in our school, and how we might tailor it further to best meet the needs of our staff and pupils. In addition we were given advice on what Chromebooks we might buy to enhance the learning experience for our students.