
Engage Influence Thrive

The voice of UK education suppliers

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Current BESA members


We produce 20+ exclusive market intelligence reports each year, with full archive access, giving you the business insights you need.

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We represent membersā€™ interests to government, via the media and internationally.

Policy updates


We organise over 100 seminars, Special Interest Groups, exhibitions, conferences and networking events every year.

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We help our members maximise their export potential through advice, practical support, trade missions and international events.

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Become a BESA member

BESA members benefit from industry insights and exclusive research reports, while enjoying access to top-quality seminars and networking events. Members can save money on marketing at major exhibitions and on a range of other opportunities. They can also use the recognised BESA logo to reassure schools they are a trusted provider.

Become a member

Benefits include:

  • Training and events
  • Research and market data
  • Networking
  • Special Interest Groups
  • Discounts
  • Marketing opportunities
  • News
  • Policy updates
  • Awards
  • Use of BESA logo


of sales by value to schools are supplied by BESA members




Launchpad Members

Looking for quality education products and services?

BESA members sign up to our Code of Practice, so schools can be confident they are spending wisely with companies they can trust. Always look for the BESA logo to be assured of a reliable supplier.

Helping UK education suppliers of all sizes increase their export activities

BESA works with UK education suppliers to help maximise their export potential, regardless of their stage in their export journey. We provide practical advice, business leads, notification of tenders, market reports, a monthly newsletter, international exhibitions, seminars and trade missions. BESA is the UK Department for International Tradeā€™s chosen Trade Challenge Partner for the education industry.

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