
Scribeasy – To unlock children’s creativity is crucial for their life skills [#BettFuturesTakeover]

We are excited to exhibit Scribeasy for the second year in 2018 at BETT Futures.

The truth is, it has taken longer as an SME to combine speed and technology with the ambition for our baby Scribeasy, a creative writing platform.

What started out (almost three years ago) as a digital visual Kickstarter method that inspires learners to invent, plan and write an idea using an integrated thesaurus, embarks now on a fully-fledged journey into cloud-based, machine-learning and natural language processing technologies. Extremely exciting for us!

The belief criteria that drives Scribeasy on is that creativity and learning by “thinking about the thinking” are vital skills. Across all aspects of life, an understanding of creativity is the difference that helps raise students’ long-term fulfilment and ambitions for learning and success.

STEM needs the A, period. Creativity extends past the Art department, and it requires factoring across every subject.

Being creative is a learned skill. Creativity is an attitude. It is a working knowledge of the processes involved in how to explore a subject or situation. The view needs to be playful. A creative approach requires an open mindset, observation, self-efficacy and resilience, the thinking about the thinking.

Creativity is a safety net. The skill of being able to harness the imagination, use connectives, have self-efficacy and analysis skills pave the way for long-term success in life.

The pressures in education mostly require a linear approach which leaves little room for learners to enjoy taking risks and ‘fail’. Take the zen approach to a pottery class; is a vessel less beautiful because it is irregular? The same materials are there; just the result is different to an expectation. 

It is hard to step back and look on as an educator and see kids ‘fail’, but as we all know, life is not linear; in the long run nurturing kids from an early age to take learning responsibility brings benefits past grades.  Mental health is increasingly a top priority; the call to address and facilitate longer-term skills in the classroom is critical now. Our responsibility as educators and as parents is helping kids to achieve standards and irrespective of any learner’s ability, enjoy the benefits of having ‘creative’ skills to survive.

So this is why we continue to invest in Scribeasy. We believe we have an extraordinary story creation product. Alongside improving features in the workflow such as the real-time coaching classroom feedback, the vast and unique visual resources, how the app generates helpful learner and group metrics – Scribeasy continues to work hard to transform the role of imagination and story making. Our commitment continues in promoting creative thinking and learning playfully from process and errors as the challenges that foster perseverance, patience, learning and listening self-belief, and resilience. Scribeasy is about fostering a creative mindset within education and for well-being, in and out of the classroom.

Come and say hi at Bett 2018, in the Bett Futures area.

For more information, visit Scribeasy’s website.