
A headteacher lifts the lid on the heartbreaking reality of what government cuts mean for our children

The below story is an excerpt from The Canary which looks at the reality of funding cuts in schools. This kind of article is why the Resource Our Schools campaign is vital to raise awareness of adequate resourcing.

“A headteacher has lifted the lid on the reality of cuts to schools. And it isĀ shocking reading and a wake-up call to anyone who believes the government is protecting education funding.

A shocking reality – writing forĀ The TES, headteacher Oliver Joseph sets out the position he is in:

“Iā€™m an experienced headteacher in a fairly large and successful inner-city multi-academy trust (MAT).Ā Those of us who are headteachers in MATs donā€™t usually make public statements, as we presume protestations are made to the government behind closed doors by those way above us in the food chain.”

But Joseph is speaking out. And he details the level of cuts he is having to make.”

Read the full article hereĀ published on 10 April 2017.